Cpl. Marvin Armistead

Supervisor, Eastern Recruitment Unit

Troop K - Philadelphia
Pennsylvania State Police
2201 Belmont Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19131

Cell: (717) 614-7933

My career as a Pennsylvania State Trooper began in 2007 and I proudly consider this decision as the best professional choice of my adult life. Following my graduation from the Pennsylvania State Police Academy, I was assigned as a patrol trooper in Troop L, Reading, where I swiftly learned to navigate my patrol area and provide support to the citizens of the Commonwealth.

After six years in patrol, I transitioned to various specialized positions within the Pennsylvania State Police, gaining hands-on experience and collaborating with dedicated individuals from diverse backgrounds across the state. My passion to work led me to assume the role of Eastern Supervisor of the Recruitment Services Section, further expanding my commitment to the Pennsylvania State Police.

I believe that being a Pennsylvania State Trooper is a unique and profoundly rewarding profession, offering a sense of belonging and camaraderie rarely found in other careers. I emphasize the unbreakable bond among Troopers, highlighting our unwavering support for each other during challenging times.

Excited about the journey thus far, I look forward to fostering diversity within the Pennsylvania State Police and encouraging the next generation to consider joining the ranks. My dedication to assisting individuals in taking their first steps towards becoming Pennsylvania State Troopers and encourages all interested applicants to stay updated on upcoming events and testing cycles through the Pennsylvania State Police website at PATROOPER.COM. I am also available to address any inquiries regarding our hiring process.

“Pennsylvania State Police, be someone special by doing something special!”
